Postdoc position at Purdue – Large Language Models (LLMs) in Computational Mechanics

We have an opening for a postdoc position. The successful candidate will have a PhD in Mechanical Engineering or a related field, excellent programming skills, and knowledge of computational mechanics and Large Language Models (LLMs). The positions is in the Gomez Research Group ( in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue.

Please send an email expressing your interest, together with a CV to Prof. Hector Gomez (). Please, use the subject line “LLM-Comp-Mech-Postdoc Application”. Reviews of applications will start on February 15th, 2025 and continue until the position is filled.

You may find some information about Purdue University at

Notificación candidatos renovación Comisión Ejecutiva de SEMNI 2024

Una vez concluido el plazo de presentación de candidaturas para la renovación de seis puestos en la Comisión Ejecutiva de SEMNI, les informamos que se han presentado las siguientes candidaturas:

Lucia Gratiela Barbu, CIMNE-UPC Barcelona
Ignasi Colominas, Universidade da Coruña
Alex Ferrer,
CIMNE-UPC Barcelona (PDF)
David Portillo Gracía, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Matteo Giacomini,
CIMNE-UPC Barcelona (PDF)
Jesús Martínez Frutos,
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Enrique Nadal,
Universitat Politècnica de València (PDF)
Roberto Palma, 
Universidad de Granada
Esther Reina,
Univerdidad de Sevilla (PDF)
Ignacio Romero,
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Riccardo Rossi,
CIMNE-UPC Barcelona

Se inicia el período de campaña electoral el día 15 de enero de 2025 a través del canal de Noticias de SEMNI, finalizando el mismo el día 20 de enero de 2025.

Barcelona acogerá el GIMC SEMNI Workshop 2025

La ciudad de Barcelona será la sede del GIMC SEMNI Workshop 2025, un destacado evento en el ámbito de los métodos numéricos en ingeniería, organizado por la Sociedad Española de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería (SEMNI). Este encuentro tendrá lugar los días 30 y 31 de enero de 2025 en la Facultat de Nàutica de Barcelona.

El taller reunirá a expertos, investigadores y profesionales del sector para compartir conocimientos y discutir los avances más recientes en este campo.

Para más información, inscripciones y detalles del programa, visite la web oficial del evento:

Research Grant

Project title: Development of a new and original 3D finite element model for the study of thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of multiphase porous materials, with application to the simulation of the initiation, propagation and deposition of landslides, including catastrophic ones.

Supervision: Professor Lorenzo Sanavia, 

Host institution: University of Padua, Italy

Research Grant: 24 months, gross remuneration of 24,589 Euro per annum.

Work plan:

1) Implementation of the non-isothermal elasto-plastic and multiphase porous media model available in the finite element code COMES-GEO (UniPD) into the open-source code KRATOS (CIMNE). The porous media model, based on the Hybrid Mixture Theory, allows for the description of the multiphase and multiphysics nature of porous materials and the interactions present between the phases (solid, liquid, and gaseous).
2) Validation of the implementation using test cases.
3) Numerical simulation of two experimental tests performed with SHIVA (Slow to High Velocity Apparatus) at INGV (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology) in Rome on Vajont clays and comparison between experimental and numerical results.

4) Link of COMES-GEO with the KRATOS MPM solver.
5) Application (back-analysis) to the study of the thermo-hydro-mechanical conditions of initiation and propagation of the catastrophic Vajont landslide (October 9, 1963).

The activity will be carried out primarily at the Centre for Studies on Climate Change Impacts CRITICAL of the University of Padua, located in Rovigo (Italy).

Knowledge of programming in at least two of the three languages is required: Fortran, C++, and Python.

The deadline to apply is January 7 at 3:00 p.m. CET

[EYIC-ECCOMAS] The 2025 Geilo Winter School: Inverse Problems

Dear SEMNI members,

EYIC-ECCOMAS sent us this piece of information about the 2025 Geilo Winter School in inverse problems. Please, forward this message to any researcher and PhD student that could be interested in participating. We thank you in advance for your collaboration. 

Registration for the 2025 Geilo Winter School is now open! The topic of the school is inverse problems, with more details and lecturers to be announced in the weeks to come. Follow us on 



 or check the webpages to keep track of updates:

To go directly to the registration form, click here

Key information:

Topic: Inverse Problems

Time: January 19-24, 2025

Place: Geilo, Norway

We would be very grateful if you were willing to forward this information to others who might be interested in attending. 

On behalf of the organizing committee,

Øystein Klemetsdal 

Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Computational Solid Mechanics


We are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral Research Associate in Computational Solid Mechanics to join Prof. Emilio Martinez-Paneda’s research group (the Mechanics of Materials Lab) at the Department of Engineering Science (central Oxford).  This fixed-term post is funded by an UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship grant (NEWPHASE).  This post is available for 12 months in the first instance.

We are looking for a researcher with interesting in running finite element simulations to understand inter-disciplinary mechanics topics spanning the areas of biology, materials science and glaciology, with a particular emphasis on coupled multi-physics problems. Examples include the growth of crevasses in large ice-sheets, the modelling of neurogenerative diseases, the degradation of Li-Ion batteries, and the corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement of metallic materials. There is certain flexibility and the tasks can be tailored the strengths and interests of the applicant. You will have the opportunity to use commercial finite element packages such as COMSOL or ABAQUS but also in-house or open-source codes such as FEniCS or MOOSE. You will also be expected to take part in collaborative work, take part in the activities of the research group, submit publications to reputed journals and liaise with academic collaborators and sponsors.

You must have obtained or be close to obtaining a PhD in engineering, mathematics, physics, materials science, or other closely-related disciplines. Also, you should have experience in at least one of the following:

•            Finite element analysis

•            Multi-physics modelling

•            ABAQUS or COMSOL

•            Fracture Mechanics

•            Phase field models

•            Computational Mechanics

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Prof. Emilio Martinez-Paneda  (email: )

For more information about working at the Department, see

Only online applications received before midday on Monday 2nd December 2024 can be considered. You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement, including a brief statement of research interests (describing how past experience and future plans fit with the advertised position), CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.

For those candidates about to finish their PhD degrees, a lower grade offer may be made (Grade 6: £34,982 – £40,855 p.a.) with a commensurate reduction in responsibilities (and amendment in job title to Research Assistant) until the PhD is awarded .

The Department holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment to promoting women in Science, Engineering and Technology.

Keywords – Computational Solid Mechanics, Finite Element Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Multi-Physics Modelling, Phase Field Methods


Research Grade 7: £38,674 – £46,913 per annum

Closing date

Dec 02, 2024 12:00PM

Contact name: Emilio Martinez-Paneda

Contact email:

Elecciones en SEMNIj

Estimados compañeros:

Como sabéis estamos en proceso de formalizar la Sección de Jóvenes de SEMNI (SEMNIj). Todo ello empezó con la ilusión de dinamizar SEMNI a través de iniciativas enfocadas a los más jóvenes y dotarles de cierta autonomía dentro del seno de SEMNI. Una vez encaminada SEMNIj, el grupo actual a cargo va a dimitir para dar paso a uno nuevo democráticamente elegido. Por ello, en breve, iniciaremos un proceso para escoger Presidente de SEMNIj, la sección de jóvenes de SEMNI. Para ello, los interesados en presentar su candidatura deben enviarnos la siguiente documentación antes del próximo 31 de marzo de 2024:

·         Un video de 60s explicando su candidatura y dándose a conocer.

·         (MAX) 2 páginas A4 con una presentación suya y de lo que querrían hacer.

Una vez recibidas las candidaturas iniciaremos el proceso de renovación con la idea de tener al nuevo presidente elegido antes del próximo congreso de Aveiro. Recordad que los requisitos para presentarse son:

·         Tener menos de 40 años durante el mandato (4 años).
·         Haber defendido su primera tesis doctoral en los últimos 7 años.

Tenéis las bases de la sección e el siguiente link:

Cualquier duda, no dudéis en contactar a Beatriz Moya ().

Un saludo,


Two post-doc positions at the University of Zaragoza

2 Postdocs position on physics-informed AI
In the context of the ESI Group-UZ Chair of the Spanish National Strategy on AI, we are looking for two highly skilled postdoctoral researchers to join the chair in the following two topics:

AI-powered mechanics of materials

One of the challenges of nowadays industry is to be able to accurately introduce the observed behavior of complex materials into high-fidelity simulations. In this framework, plasticity and damage play a fundamental role. Our thermodynamics-informed neural networks are an appealing choice for the incorporation of theoretical inductive biases to the learning process of complex constitutive equations including plasticity and damage.

Accelerating simulation by Artificial Intelligence

One of the biggest appeals of physics-informed neural networks relies in the possibility of developing learned simulators. Learned simulators are particular instances of simulation systems that are constructed not by discretization of the governing PDE—which may even be unknown—but by learning from data.
In this project, the objective is primarily to speedup complex parametric simulations. The typical example of such a simulation is a detailed crash test.

The successful candidates will join a dynamical and interdisciplinary team with a world-class network of collaborators towards:
• Creating the next-generation physics-informed AI techniques
• Develop advanced numerical methods and algorithms required to address cutting-edge scientific multidisciplinary problems
• Deploy state-of-the-art, open-source software that will be used on a daily basis by a wide range of researchers and industries around the world to advance science.

Required Qualifications

• Strong skills in phyton programming, preferably with a strong background in PyTorch
• Knowledge and previous experience in the development of physics-informed AI
• Ph.D. in computer science, computational mathematics, computational physics, or computational engineering. 
• Experience and understanding of numerical methods for partial differential equations.
• Enthusiasm for programming, learning, problem-solving, and tracking other library trends
• Exceptional collaboration and communication skills, in particular in English
• Strong background in computational solid and fluid mechanics
• Experience in finite element programming

You will have access to state-of-the-art computing facilities, a generous travel allowance for conferences and specialized training, and will be given the freedom to develop your own ideas and collaborate within the group and with other groups. These positions are designed so as to allow you to grow your abilities as a research advisor, by directing and collaborating with our doctoral students, under the supervision of profs. Cueto, González and Alfaro.

Besides Skype interviews, it is possible to arrange on-site visits to the lab and the campus in Zaragoza. 

The preferred starting date is June 2024 (or as soon as possible). We offer a two-year contract.
Interested applicants are encouraged to send a CV as soon as possible with a list of up to 3 references and a very concise statement describing your past research/technical experience and your interests. This and specific inquiries should be addressed to Elías Cueto ().

News from SEMNI’s young investigator section

The young investigator section of SEMNI opens a new chapter in its history. After the CMN 2022 Congress held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, a group of young people started working on its reorganisation in order to offer a more active space oriented to the needs of new researchers. In this post we want to share the first advances in this change.

The aim of this renovation is to make a young section with a variety of activities that resonate with the diverse interests of young people in the field of computational mechanics. Our aim in this new phase is to broaden our range of options to provide opportunities that motivate and inspire every member.

In these first steps we have prioritised the definition of our mission and objectives, as well as the updating of our foundations. In addition, it has been given a new name in order to have its own identity: SEMNI_j.

This update has materialised in a renewal of the space of this section on the SEMNI website, where we invite you to browse to learn a little more about the brief history of SEMNI_j, the current management team that is carrying out these first changes, and the regulations.

We want these changes to inspire the new additions, and that little by little we will be building together a strong and inspiring youth section. Therefore, we will soon call for elections to formalise the first official executive of the youth section in a democratic and fair way. Young researchers, promise of the future of this organisation, we are waiting for you!

 Call for Expressions of Interest to organise the 2024 UKACM-SEMNI Autumn School 

Dear UKACM and SEMNI members, 

We are thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity for enthusiastic research groups to organise the 2024 UKACM-SEMNI Autumn School focusing on theoretical aspects of computational mechanics combined with hands-on practical activities. The 2024 UKACM-SEMNI Autumn School aims to foster knowledge exchange, collaboration, and skill development among professionals, researchers, and students in the field. 

This initiative follows the successful organisation of the first UKACM Autumn school in 2023 on Mixed finite element formulations in solid mechanics by the Glasgow Computational Engineering Centre. 

Interested parties are invited to submit an expression of interest (maximum 2 pages) to both the UKACM and SEMNI presidents, outlining: 

  • Their background and expertise in Computational Mechanics. 
  • Their vision and objectives for the proposed Autumn School. 
  • The proposed theme and potential speakers. 
  • The hands-on activities. 

Selected organisers will be responsible for: 

  • Developing a comprehensive online course that aligns with the latest developments in the field. 
  • Inviting and securing commitments from expert speakers and instructors. 
  • Coordinating logistics, including scheduling, platform selection, and technical support. 
  • Promoting the event to ensure broad participation. 
  • Facilitating hands-on and interactive sessions. 

Submission Deadline: 2nd February 2024 

A committee of UKACM and SEMNI executive committee members will evaluate the expressions of interest based on relevance, hands-on activities, and the organisers’ ability to deliver a successful event. Priority will be given to proposals that include teams from both societies. 

The selected organisers will be notified by 23rd February 2024. The Autumn School is expected to be an online event with no registration fee, to be held during the last two weeks of September 2024 and have a duration of 2 to 4 days. 

We believe that this Autumn School will be a catalyst for knowledge-sharing and collaboration between UKACM and SEMNI. We look forward to receiving your expressions of interest and working together to create a meaningful and impactful event. 


Rubén Sevilla, UKACM President, Elías Cueto, SEMNI President,